Hi folks
A number of local groups and individuals have been working with Gundaroo Community Association (GCA) to develop this site as an all encompassing Gundaroo website for all community organisations and local businesses. The move was sparked by a bequest from the late Graeme Challinor’s family of his genealogy site Gundaroo.info.
A meeting of community groups late in 2019 set up a working group under GCA to develop the site and how it’s to be used.
The plan was to bring this site up slowly over the next few months, however given the COVID-19 situation GCA has now launched this site early (albeit in beta mode) and add to it/update/fix it over time. The idea is to get maximum exposure now particularly for businesses but also for community groups.
When this site is fully operational it’s planned that businesses will be able to join it for a fee, the funds being used to pay for the upkeep and running of the site. We have a draft fee scale that offers different options of exposure ranging from:
• basic that will be a listing of your business in name only with no hyperlinks;
• to a non-editable landing page with hyperlinks;
• to a landing page that’s editable; and
• to “maximum involvement” that includes all of the above but
with other individual additions (for instance, we could have a ticker tape entry for business of the month).These categories may change as we see how they work.
In this time of COVID-19 local businesses are struggling but also contributing much-needed services to the community and we feel the website should help. To do this we’re offering local Gundaroo organisations the maximum service option free of charge for at least six months.
This will give local businesses the maximum exposure straight up and help them get an idea of how the site might work for them in the future.
Once this crisis is past businesses can decide whether to stay on at whatever fee level they choose or have their information scaled down to basic.
At the end of the first six months the GCA website group will review the situation.
Other key benefits from gundaroo.org include
* a single page for Gundaroo that links all groups and businesses and also covers the current news and issues as well as past;
* the existing community social pages on Facebook will be complemented by the website not competed against;
* an online way to read the Gazette, access its past issues and see any stop-press announcements between issues; and
* being more aware of current and past events with the community online calendar.
- NB: All ‘approved’ community groups qualify for maximum exposure.
If you know of a local business or community group that should join in or needs their data updated write to us from the Contact page.
Warm regards
Moraig McKenna
President, Gundaroo Community Association