The 1st Gundaroo Scout Group was formed in 2009 with a dedicated band of volunteers. In 2021 it is continuing the fine legacy, with an active Cub and Scout section.

Since our first parade, 318 members have joined the international Scouting movement here in Gundaroo.  Being so close to Canberra, we are able to participate in ACT Scouting activities with events such as Cotter Shield, on the Murrumbidgee River being popular. 

Here we are tubing the river…

We also camp with other NSW groups in our area, from Yass to Cobargo and beyond, 

and learn bushcrafts… or challenge ourselves by going rock climbing…

Recently a couple of our Scouts participated in an Enterprising Girls workshop held at ANU.

You’ll often see our Cubs and Scouts around the village, either on their bikes or going for nature walks in the Common or McLeod’s Creek Nature Reserve. 

We believe in service and regularly host a breakfast for the Gundaroo Community on ANZAC Day, and participate in the Clean Up Australia Day challenge.

We are fortunate to have access to the Gundaroo Oval and surrounds for our regular weekly meetings.  This open space is popular with our youth members for wide area games, especially spotlight. 

Here we are building a rotated bridge…

In previous years we have hosted around 70 Cubs for weekend camps, preparing them for the major Cub activity, Cuboree.


We operate out of a purpose-built hall owned by the Gundaroo Park Trust.  This community owned asset also is used by the Gundaroo Music Festival and other community groups as required.  We rely on parents and friends to help us fundraise and subsidise the cost of membership and activities to families.  We have applied for a small grant through our local member, Kirsty McBain to replace our ageing BBQs.  This will allow us to continue to provide sausage sizzles well into the future.

Our next project is to plumb potable water and waste to the Hall.

If your children would like to try Cubs (ages 8-11) or Scouts (ages 11-14), they are welcome to come down to the Hall on Tuesday evenings during school term.  Prospective members have the opportunity to try scouting before choosing to take the promise and being formally Invested into the group. 

Contact Phil Gaden by clicking here