Easter Trading Hours are listed here
Gundaroo Inn was recently Business of the Month. Go here for news on the transition and what’s in store.
Gundaroo Inn is curated by Create Catering and we bring together a like minded group of individuals that love food and wine and want to showcase local produce particularly the amazing Canberra regions wines.
Gundaroo Inn will be open 7 days a week from March with dinner in house offered Tuesday to Sunday and Coffee available from 8am 7 days a week from March. We will also have a regional bottle shop open 7 days a week from March. Our accommodation will be available from March. We are going to bring back the music, with Sunday sesh’s and featured artists. Leonie loves art and there will also be residencies for artists and musicians coming in April. We are so excited to be part of the community and welcome charity groups that wish to run raffles on Friday nights. Our website should be up and running by March also and will feature a ‘what’s on’ page. Classic country pub done well is the intention. Look forward to meeting everyone. Leonie |
Gundaroo Inn is a Heritage Hotel located in the nostalgic town of Gundaroo NSW. Known as Matt Crowes Wine Bar for almost a century, the Inn has had continuous operation since it was established in 1872 originally as the Commercial Hotel. It is located just 15 minutes drive from the ACT border and 25 mins drive to Civic.
A unique aspect of the Inn is its liquor licensing which is made up of multiple licences acquired in stages over decades, including wine bar style licencing, ON-SITE and OFF=SITE licences. A by-product is this makes most areas of the premises family friendly with less restrictions than other hotels.
Johnny Davey