In accordance with the Gundaroo Community Association (GCA) Constitution and the resolution of the GCA Committee passed on the 22nd
of March 2006, the GCA established a Police Paddock Sub-committee.
The GCA Police Paddock Sub-committee is the recognised Gundaroo community forum for management of the Village Police Paddock held by the GCA under
Licence from the Department of Lands.
Functions delegated to the GCA Police Paddock Sub-committee include:
• Preparation & drafting of all licence administration requirements for GCA action;
• Management of the Paddock including pasture, plantings, fencing & water;
• Organisation of the agistment users to ensure a compliant & cooperative tenancy;
• Management of agistment contributions to ensure a cost neutral annual outcome;
• Collection and receipt of agistment fees and lodgement with the GCA Treasurer;
• Developing access control strategies including Gazette articles & signage;
• Assistance with / control of any activities & events to be held on the Paddock;
• Corresponding with stakeholders who influence the viability of the Licence;
• Sourcing funds, materials & person-hours to manage & improve the Paddock;
• Developing proposals for expenditure related to Police Paddock;
• Developing proposals for grants from Government and non-Government entities;
• Maintain links with like-minded organisations;
• Advising the GCA on proposals for usage of the Paddock by other users;
Requirements of the GCA Police Paddock Sub-committee:
• Sub-committee activities are to comply fully with the GCA Constitution;
• All Sub-committee members are to be current financial members of the GCA;
• All agistment users are to be current financial members of the GCA;
• All Sub-committee activities are to comply with the GCA indemnity policy;
• Office bearers of the Sub-committee are to be elected at the first Subcommittee
Meeting held annually after the GCA AGM;
• Office bearers of the Sub-committee are to be confirmed by the GCA Committee;
• Proceedings of the Sub-committee are to be maintained in summary format and
submitted to the GCA and retained for a period not less than five years;
• All funds received by the Sub-committee are to be lodged with the GCA Treasurer;
• Expenditure proposals are to be advised to the GCA Treasurer with endorsement
of at least two Sub-committee Office bearers.
Sue Burns