Cork Street Cafe

Important Notice

Easter Trading Hours are listed here


We’re offering dinner Thursday through to Sunday, and lunch from 11:00am on Saturday and Sunday with a few brunch offerings added to the menu for those breakfast diehards.
Please be aware of the safety of our staff and other patrons, their friends and families, if you’re unwell cancel the visit, stay at home.
Looking forward to having the good (long) chat with everyone!

Business Description

Probably one of the most loved pizza and coffee, cafe venues in the Canberra region and it just happens to be in Gundaroo.

High quality food served with love and passion from a lovely bunch of people, led by Cass.

Relax and have a wonderful coffee and something scrumptious to eat in a rustic atmosphere in the old stables behind the former Police Station.


Key Contact

Cassandra Simakoff-Ellims

Other Contact Info