GCA – Gundaroo Community Association

Community Group Description

The object of the Gundaroo Community Association (GCA) is a balanced and sustainable future for Gundaroo village and surrounds which preserves and enhances its sense of community, rural character and heritage and natural environment. All residents of the area are welcome to join the GCA.

The GCA was established as an informal community organisation in the 1970s. It became formally incorporated in July 1999 under the NSW Associations Act 1984.

For almost 40 years, the GCA has provided an open forum in which the greater Gundaroo village community could come to discuss issues of interest to the community as a whole.

The GCA is generally viewed as a point of contact with the Gundaroo community. Groups and bodies such as the Yass Valley Council will often refer matters which are of interest to the community or which are subject to consultation to the GCA. In turn, and guided by its objective, the GCA has viewed an important part of its role as the dissemination of information to the community and provision of a vehicle through which matters of
community concern could be heard. This site, gundaoo.org is an initiative of, and is administered by the GCA.

Key Contact

Cate Thomas (President)

Rachael Hogan (Secretary)

Other Contact Info

For a full list of committees and current members see the GCA overview page