Coming up… Wednesday August 14th 7:30pm – Annual General Meeting, Gundaroo Hall, 57 Cork Street
Held by the Gundaroo Soldiers Memorial Hall Management Committee Inc
Annual reports to the members
Vice President
Committee members
You may be a member of Gundaroo Soldiers Memorial Hall Management Committee Inc, which owns the Gundaroo Hall, or you may be a member of Gundaroo Film Society or attended our annual Curry night. If you have any questions please send to
If you are interested in joining the committee please speak to a current committee member about this please. Or just come to the meeting to support us and hear what we have done this year.
Current Committee members are
Wayne Kotzur President
Ian Price Vice President- standing down after 10 years on the committee
Sylvia Gleeson Treasurer
Colin Lee Secretary/Public Officer
Committee member
Helen Curtis
Fran Dove
Kylie Martin
Talia Meischke
Sandra Wilson
Colin Lee
Secretary/Public Officer
Covid Restrictions have now eased for Hall Bookings.
The social distancing space for indoor meeting places have been halved to 2 m2 per person. This raises the maximum capacity in our main hall from 26 to 52,
which opens the way to a rather more ‘normal’ use.
We can also include ALL the space ‘accessible to the public (foyer, stage, supper room, etc.) bringing the total countable space to 168 m2 , thereby allowing 84 persons on the premises at any one time.
Other conditions remain in place – signing in and out, social distancing, hand hygiene, and optional masks.
Colin Lee
Secretary/Public Officer
Cuppa Time Gundaroo
You are invited to come to the Hall for a cuppa to catch-up with friends or meet new people. Young or old, all are welcome. CUPPA TIME is held on the fourth Wednesday of the month – next time is 23th August 1.30 – 3:30pm. Tea, coffee, fresh baked scones and locally made jam will be available. There is no fixed charge but donations will be accepted. CUPPA TIME is based on “Scone �me” an idea from Queensland as seen on ABC Landline – like a Biggest Morning Tea but just for social contact and community building. Let Colin Lee know at if you want to be on a roster to make scones or help generally. Otherwise, just come and join us for a cuppa.
The Gundaroo Soldier’s Memorial Hall can be hired for public meetings, community activities and private functions by members of, and visitors to, our village community. Visit the Hall’s website for more information about the building, it’s facilities and the procedure for making a booking.
Wayne Kotzur (President)
Colin Lee (Secretary / Public Officer)